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외국계기업 | Sales manager
포지션명 Sales manager
회사 외국계기업 직급 (한국 타이틀 차장/부장급)
외국어 영어 중 연령/성별 무관
진행절차 서류전형 -> 1차면접 -> 2차면접 마감일 채용시
주요업무 :  영업 (Sales), 한국의 주요 반도체 관련 고객 대상으로 검사/분석 시스템 영업
보고라인 (Report) : To Supervising Manager
대상설비 (Equipment & System): 초음파를 이용한 웨이퍼 검사 설비 SAM (Scanning Acoustic Microscope) 장비  
필수사항: 영어 문서 작성 및 영어 소통능력,  
             반도체 장비 및 패키징 장비 영업 경력.
우대사항: 초음파를 이용한 검사 설비 (SAM) 및 X-Ray를 이용한 검사 설비 관련 경력자

Responsibilities & Roles:
  • Achieve company objectives through effective planning, setting sales goals, analyzing performance data, and projecting future performance
  • Identifying potential customers and new opportunities, applications, segments and markets for products and capabilities builds up  : Territory forecast sales targets track and record activity on accounts
  • Planning & Conducting marketing activities : exhibitions, conferences, advertisements, social medias
  • Establish regular on-sites / on-line meeting for mutual technical consultancy & commercial discussions
  • Accompanying customers and sales partners from the request to the conclusion of the contract with proposal till the negotiation
  • Supports customer development project and management activities, working with product teams in Germany. Leads solution development efforts that best address customer needs, while coordinating the involvement of all necessary company personnel
  • Track, analyze, and communicate key quantitative metrics and business trends as they relate to partner relationships : Market observations and tracking of technological trends especially among customers and the internal dissemination of this information
Skills & Qualifications & Experience:
All duties and responsibilities are essential job functions and requirements.
To perform this job successfully, the incumbents will possess the skills, aptitudes and abilities to perform each duty proficiently
The requirements listed in this document are the minimum levels of knowledge, skills or abilities
A few years of demonstrated success in customer facing roles,
  • Sales/Account management
  • Project management 
  • Technical Key account management
For experienced applicants,
  • For Semiconductors Manufacturing/ Packaging Equipment
We will give preferential treatments,
  • Semiconductor wafer Inspection equipment related experience especially to SAM (Scanning Acoustic Microscope) or X-ray inspection system.
This position requires a college degree,
  • Physics/ Material engineering  
  • Technical degree in engineering and a technician with appropriate sales experiences.
  • Must be computer literate with MS software, presentation skills and have excellent oral and written communication skills in English or German
  • Very good negotiation skills, convincing appearances, excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational know-how
  • Team player and works well in complex cross-functional, global business environment
  • Commitment, initiative, flexibility, and high willingness to travel
담당컨설턴트 정보
이름 이중호 상무(상) 이메일
전화 휴대폰 010-5779-7236

개인정보취급방침 | 이용약관 | 이메일주소 수집거부

(06148) 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 53길 23, 평화빌딩 3층 Tel 02-2135-1951 Fax 02-2135-1950
대표 : 이현정 사업자등록번호 480-88-02425 유료직업소개소등록번호 제2023-3220250-14-5-00034호 개인정보관리책임자 곽철

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