DB Architect (데이터 아키텍트) > Order

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외국계기업 | DB Architect (데이터 아키텍트)
포지션명 DB Architect (데이터 아키텍트)
회사 외국계기업 직급 대리~과장급
외국어 연령/성별 무관
진행절차 서류전형 -> 1차면접 -> 2차면접 마감일 채용시
포지션 : DB Architect 
- Install, tune, implement and upgrade DBMS installations.
- Minimize database downtime and manage parameters to provide fast query responses.
- Helping with database design and development.
- Assist with schema design, code review, SQL query tuning.
- Upgrade and improve application schema and data upgrades.
- Provide proactive and reactive data management support and training to users.
- Schedule and perform regular server maintenance.
- Design backup processes for server and associated data.
- Establish a disaster recovery protocol.
- Control access permissions and privileges
- Carry out capacity planning
- Determine, enforce and document database policies, procedures and standards. Evaluate data analysis models and procedures.
- Perform tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data security, privacy and integrity.
- Monitor database performance, implement changes and apply new patches and versions when required.
- Create and manage database reports, visualizations, and dashboards.
Knowledge and skills:

- Good understanding of data and schema standards and concepts.
- Good understanding of database design, implementation, trouble shooting and maintenance.
- Advanced knowledge of database structure and theory.
- Expertise in SQL.
- Familiarity with database design, documentation and coding.
- Up-to-date knowledge of technology and the Data Protection Act.
- Excellent documentation skills.
- Excellent planning, organizational, and time management skills.
- Leading and supporting successful projects.

보고라인 : VP IT (부사장급, 한국인)
소속팀 : Technical Services Asia (일반적인 IT 팀이고 전원 한국인 입니다)
근무지 : 서울 송파구 잠실 본사 (롯데월드타워)

담당컨설턴트 정보
이름 전준석 팀장(재) 이메일 mason@metasearch.co.kr
전화 휴대폰 010-8408-0723

개인정보취급방침 | 이용약관 | 이메일주소 수집거부

(06148) 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 53길 23, 평화빌딩 3층 Tel 02-2135-1951 Fax 02-2135-1950
대표 : 이현정 사업자등록번호 480-88-02425 유료직업소개소등록번호 제2023-3220250-14-5-00034호 개인정보관리책임자 곽철

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